2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth
not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Statement of Purpose
Faith Bible Institute is designed to offer Biblical training for pastors, evangelists, Christian schoolteachers, high school graduates, and all those involved in Christian service.
It is the desire of the Institute to help equip any interested student with the Biblical knowledge and practical training needed in their field of study.
Faith Bible Institute offers training to everyone, regardless of his or her educational background. All that is needed is a desire to learn.
Credit is given for LIFE EXPERIENCE. Faith Bible Institute is prepared to give proper credit to those who are evaluated by the school registrar. Training which may have taken place outside of the classroom is recognized as valuable and worthy of credit toward a diploma in a field of Biblical study. Details are available from the Institute about this area of credit.
Contact Information:
Faith Bible Institute
PO Box 100 / 12 S. McDonald St. Ludowici, Georgia 31316