When are the services?
Sunday School is available for all ages at 10:00 AM. Our morning worship service starts at 11:00 AM. We also have an evening service at 6:00 PM.
What should I wear?
At Faith Baptist Church, we focus on the heart more than the outward appearance. When you come to one of our services, you will find people dressed in a wide variety of styles from as casual as jeans, to as formal as suits and dresses. Many of our church family dress in more traditional “Sunday best” clothes; however, most people find themselves somewhere in the middle. We fully believe that the Scriptures teach modesty as a principle, yet our main goal is that you would feel welcome on your visit here at Faith Baptist Church!
What are the accommodations for the disabled?
Faith Baptist Church is handicap accessible. Handicap-accessible parking is available near the main entrance. Our ushers can also assist with any special needs that you may have.
What is available for infants and toddlers?
We have a well-equipped nursery to care for your infants and toddlers.
What children’s programs are available?
During Sunday School, we have classes for children from birth to 6th grade. We offer a Children's Church & Junior Church for the children during the 11:00am service. During this time the children are taught Bible lessons on their level and enjoy a fun time of fellowship with other children. On Wednesday we have OUTREACH KIDS, starting at 7:00pm. AFTERSHOCK TEEN Ministry (Grades 7-12) activities and classes are available as well.
What happens when I get to church?
We have information just inside the main entrance as well as ushers that will give you a bulletin and assist you in getting to your class or into the service.
What do I do before the service starts?
If you arrive before the service starts, you will notice that our auditorium is filled with plenty of comfortable seats. There are no reserved seats, so you may sit anywhere. Many people will be greeting one another during this time.
What are the services like?
Services generally last about an hour. Our worship services are a time of joyful worship and praise, with a variety of traditional songs, choruses, and special songs.
What is the pastor’s message like?
Pastor Sellars gives Bible-based messages lasting 30-45 minutes. His messages are timely and applicable. Audio Sermons page.
Do you give public invitations at the end of the service? What are they like?
At the end of his message, Pastor Sellars invites anyone who does not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ to accept Him. This is also a time for personal prayer with God over changes we may need to make in our lives. We will be glad to talk or pray with you about any of your spiritual needs.
Am I expected to participate in the offering?
No. We don't invite you to Faith Baptist Church for your offering. We want our service to be a gift to you. We hope you will find a warm family spirit here, truth from God's Word, and a place where you can grow in God's grace. Please don't feel any obligation to participate in the offering as a guest. As our guest, we would request that you would fill out a Guest Information card and we would ask you to drop it in the offering plate.
What happens after the service?
Several of our people are there to welcome you and answer any questions you may have.
PO Box 100
12 S. McDonald St.
Ludowici, GA 31316
(912) 545-9136
(912) 545-3157